Hi, I am Rajaa

RA was an Egyptian god believed to have created everything. Rajaa means “Royalty” in Sanskrit and “Hope“ in Arabic. And Belle means “Beautiful” in French. My name reflects the mission I have chosen, which is to make a difference in women’s lives by helping them discover the Beautiful Queen Godess that they are.

Life coaching, motivational speaking and transformational training—I was born to play all three roles.

As a citizen of the world, an immigrant, an entrepreneur, a bilingual professional, a proud wife and mother— I know all too well the realities of being a woman. Like you, I have had to contend with life’s challenges at work, at home, in daily life. Thanks to these personal and professional experiences and having experienced a spiritual awakening, that have helped me to grow and now to help and support you through tough times.

I will help you break through barriers so that you can create new possibilities for yourself! Through spiritual awakening, I have achieved personal growth. This combined with my profound interest in spirituality, astrology, quantum physic, holistic and energy healing has led me to discover that my purpose is to share with others the knowledge that each one of us can take control of our life and be who we are truly meant to be.

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