About this event

In this workshop you will learn:

  • the principles of self-love
  • How to love yourself?
  • How to improve your relationship with yourself and with others
  • You will receive tools and simple strategies
  • Many surprises and gifts


How to Career-Hop Midlife Without Compromising on Your Responsibilities

Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash

Who knew what they wanted to do with their lives in their teens? Many pick college courses at random, later finding themselves in their mid-30s, unsure how they arrived in their career. Job-hopping mid-life is more common than you may realize, with nearly half of all Americans changing careers later in life.

The main reason people change careers is general unhappiness with their current jobs or industries. The second and third reasons are higher pay and greater flexibility. Data from Apollo Technical shows that around 70% of all working-age people are actively looking for a job change,” while “over 39% of people who are considering career changes are motivated by higher salaries.”

Continue reading “How to Career-Hop Midlife Without Compromising on Your Responsibilities”

Estime de soi et confiance en soi: les clés d’un épanouissement personnel et professionnel

Coaching et formation transformationnels de développement personnel et professionnel

Mesdames, il est temps d’avoir confiance en vous!

Ne manquez pas cet atelier sur l’Estime de soi et confiance en soi pour les femmes professionnelles

Dans cet atelier, je vous expliquerai en quoi la confiance en soi est primordiale pour atteindre vos objectifs de vie et de carrière. Je vous guiderai et vous outillerai pour que vous puissiez entamer le processus pour avoir enfin confiance en vous!

Soyez au rendez-vous!.


Oasis, Centre des Femmes, Tremplin et Élan

The Nitty-Gritty of Starting a Business: A Primer

Photo via Pixabay on Pexels

You have your business idea. You have potential customers. You have a supply chain mapped out. Basically, you have the “fun” parts of starting a business all figured out. But what about the not-so-fun parts? That is, the parts that require more critical thought and less of the exciting, ground-breaking, dream-realizing activities you prefer doing? Rajaa Belle invites you to take a look at the mostly-clerical things you need to do in order to set up your business for success in the first year of operation and beyond.

Rajaa Belle offers one-on-one coaching, self-empowerment workshops, and a number of other incredible services. Fill out this form to get in touch today.

Continue reading “The Nitty-Gritty of Starting a Business: A Primer”

6 Ways to Raise Your Confidence in Social Situations

By Rajaa Belle

One of the keys to making a good impression, getting a great job, and enjoying life is social confidence. Unless you’re going to lock yourself in a cabin in the woods, it’s important to be able to interact confidently with others.

You may not have been born with the gift of gab, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a charming and confident communicator.

You may have convinced yourself that you like spending time alone with Netflix or a good book, and that might be true to a point. Admit it, you wish you enjoyed spending time with others more than you currently do.

You can make this change. In this article, I will share with you 6 ways to raise your confidence in social situations.

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Avoid Making the Same Business Mistakes on Your Second Attempt: Here’s How

Photo Credit: Pexels

When your first attempt at a business doesn’t go quite how you’d hoped, it can be hard to throw your hat back in the ring. However, one business failure is hardly enough to prevent you from enjoying future success. In fact, many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have a business failure or two in their past.

Being perfect is an impossible goal: Instead you should focus on learning from your failures to make future attempts better. Rajaa Belle shares some tips to get you started.

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5 Tips on Finding and Hiring Great Marketers and Salespeople for Your Business

(Image Source: Pexels]

5 Tips on Finding and Hiring Great Marketers and Salespeople for Your Business

No matter how unique your product or service is, you won’t find success if you don’t have people to sell it. If you want your venture to grow – and grow quickly – you need to find and hire great marketing and sales people. Here are a few simple yet lucrative tips for  businesswomen and mompreneurs.

Continue reading “5 Tips on Finding and Hiring Great Marketers and Salespeople for Your Business”

Finding Balance in Life

By Rajaa Belle

Can you find balance in your life? Some say you can, while others say there is no such thing if you want to highly successful.

It’s true that many of the most high-profile successful people have anything but balanced lives. But, many of them are also miserable, too.

You can attain a high level of success and enjoy all the aspects of your life that mean the most to you.

Continue reading “Finding Balance in Life”

Avis aux médias

En finir avec l’auto-sabotage : s’autoriser à être épanoui.e.s. par Mindful Path Academy

Toronto, 17 Mai 2021Mindful Path Academy est une compagnie basée à Toronto, fondée par quatre femmes francophones immigrantes. Ces coachs offrent des programmes de formation en développement personnel et en intelligence émotionnelle en français

Le samedi 29 mai– Mindful Path Academy organise un atelier ouvert au public sur l’auto-sabotage

L’auto-sabotage est une manière de s’interdire à atteindre ses objectifs et de surcroît s’interdire à vivre son plein potentiel, par un mécanisme inconscient en le justifiant par des arguments qu’on pense rationnels.

Date : Samedi, 29 mai

Heure : 10h à 12h

Lieu : En ligne

Notes aux médias

Quatre coachs et fondatrices de Mindful Path Academy : Rajaa Belle, Jacqueline Ndayizigamiye, Lorraine Hugon, Ines Benzaghou, passionnées de développement personnel partagent leur expertise pour aider les francophones à être proactifs dans leur croissance personnelle et professionnelle.


Cliquez ici pour les détails de l’évènement 
