How to find love and create your “Soulmate List”?

Give yourself permission and declare what you want

A couple of years ago, I made a decision that enough was enough, despite my existing reality and all my doubts. I declared that I deserved to love and to be loved. I knew deep inside me that someone somewhere was praying to be with someone like me. From that moment, I shifted my mind and filled my heart with unconditional love and kept saying, I know my soulmate is on his way and I’m about to meet him soon.

I started to have a clear vision of my Twin Flame and I wrote a long (very long) list describing this perfect soul. Let me share a few things that I listed to create my ideal companion. Continue reading “How to find love and create your “Soulmate List”?”

How to find your Soulmate in 1 simple step?

“Someday my prince will come”

Do you remember that lovely song Snow White sang in Disney’s version of Snow White and the Seven Drawfs? Have you ever dreamed of your Prince Charming; thinking one day he would come like in the story? Then time goes by…waiting, waiting,  waiting… and still no Prince Charming, his arrival time is past due. Days turn to months and months become years and the older you get, the more you disbelieve the fairy tale and eventually, the hope for a dream realized dies inside you.

In this post, I will share tips to help you to find your Soulmate and open your understanding about WHY THE HELL he’s taking so long to show up?

Continue reading “How to find your Soulmate in 1 simple step?”