How to Crush Impostor Syndrome: 9 Practical Tips for Women’s Confidence and Success

Author: Rajaa Belle

Do you ever find yourself doubting your own abilities, fearing that you’re just one step away from being exposed as a fraud? If so, you may be experiencing Impostor Syndrome, a common but often hidden challenge that affects countless women worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into Impostor Syndrome, explore its profound impact on women’s lives, share revealing statistics, uncover the five common types of impostors, and offer practical strategies to conquer this pervasive phenomenon.

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About this event

In this workshop you will learn:

  • the principles of self-love
  • How to love yourself?
  • How to improve your relationship with yourself and with others
  • You will receive tools and simple strategies
  • Many surprises and gifts


Estime de soi et confiance en soi: les clés d’un épanouissement personnel et professionnel

Coaching et formation transformationnels de développement personnel et professionnel

Mesdames, il est temps d’avoir confiance en vous!

Ne manquez pas cet atelier sur l’Estime de soi et confiance en soi pour les femmes professionnelles

Dans cet atelier, je vous expliquerai en quoi la confiance en soi est primordiale pour atteindre vos objectifs de vie et de carrière. Je vous guiderai et vous outillerai pour que vous puissiez entamer le processus pour avoir enfin confiance en vous!

Soyez au rendez-vous!.


Oasis, Centre des Femmes, Tremplin et Élan

6 Ways to Raise Your Confidence in Social Situations

By Rajaa Belle

One of the keys to making a good impression, getting a great job, and enjoying life is social confidence. Unless you’re going to lock yourself in a cabin in the woods, it’s important to be able to interact confidently with others.

You may not have been born with the gift of gab, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a charming and confident communicator.

You may have convinced yourself that you like spending time alone with Netflix or a good book, and that might be true to a point. Admit it, you wish you enjoyed spending time with others more than you currently do.

You can make this change. In this article, I will share with you 6 ways to raise your confidence in social situations.

Continue reading “6 Ways to Raise Your Confidence in Social Situations”

Finding Balance in Life

By Rajaa Belle

Can you find balance in your life? Some say you can, while others say there is no such thing if you want to highly successful.

It’s true that many of the most high-profile successful people have anything but balanced lives. But, many of them are also miserable, too.

You can attain a high level of success and enjoy all the aspects of your life that mean the most to you.

Continue reading “Finding Balance in Life”


This Vision Board Webinar will reveal how you can bring your dreams into reality with this simple technique that you can use right away.
Most people are unhappy and frustrated for not living the life that they love.
They are tired of going to a job they don’t like, not making enough money, not feeling healthy, not having meaningful relationships, not pursuing their dream career, not fulfilling their dreams and purpose.
If this sounds familiar, then you definitely want to register to our TRANSFORMATIVE VISION BOARD WEBINAR.
This powerful, fun and interactive webinar you will learn :
* How to create your Vision Board in NO TIME
* How tu use the technique of Visualisation
* How to set goals and have clarity
* Who you need to Be to become unstoppable
* What’s stopping you from achieving your goals and how to overcome it
* How to use simple tools that you can use today to shift your reality
* Much more!
This inspiring experience is guaranteed to transform your life and you’ll never be the same.

How I overcame the fear of failure?

“Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dreams become impossible: the fear of failure”.

~Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

The idea of having a blog and be a voice for women and position myself sounded a genius idea.  However, in reality, it was a completely different story. Why? Because one of the biggest blocks stopping me from stepping into my light was completely exposed … my FEAR!! In this post, I will share with you how I overcome my fear.

Continue reading “How I overcame the fear of failure?”

How to follow your heart when everything is against you?

When I first started my Self-Discovery journey, my circle made fun of me. Are you in a Cult? Is this some kinda New Age movement? Do you really believe in this crap of positivity? You are so annoying, nobody thinks like that, do you think that we live in wonderland…?  

Hearing all that harsh, negative commentary was hard when all I really wanted was for them to open their minds to new possibilities. Obviously, they were not ready to receive my messages at the time, but at the end of the day, results speak louder than words.

Continue reading “How to follow your heart when everything is against you?”

How starting a blog connected me to my purpose?

Spirituality, Personal Development, Self-discovery, Consciousness, Awakening, and Wellness have always fascinated me, and from very early I naturally developed a sense of curiosity about the meaning of life; who I really am and what is my purpose.

What about you? Have you been asking yourself similar questions? Do you know the answers, and where are you in your journey? Do you feel that you have a contribution to make to humanity?  Are you making it, and if not, why not? With what special talent(s) have you been endowed, and how can it/they be used to best serve others?

In this post, I will share how answering those questions finally led me to start my blogging journey. Continue reading “How starting a blog connected me to my purpose?”