How to create the best version of yourself?

To create new possibilities for myself and deciding who I wanted to be,  I had to figure it out:  how my future self should look and what attributes she should possess? How could I become a better version of myself? A better person, a better daughter, better sister, better wife, a better coworker, a better friend, a better entrepreneur.

Time for new possibilities!

Thought aligned with action gave unlimited access to all the possibilities opening up before me,  all I had to do was choose what I wanted for myself. With enthusiasm renewed, I listed all the attributes that I wanted for myself; then I closed my eyes and started visualizing how my future self would look, talk, handle business and how great she would be in her marriage, her family, etc.

Naturally, I started to adopt her characteristics and as the virtual me grew and matured, so did the real me. The beauty is that I can decide at anytime what I want for my life and so can you!

So, my Beautiful Queens, I urge you to live your life on your own terms, decide what you want for you, decide who you want to be. What makes you happy? How do you want to express yourself? Just BE yourself, discover the “YOU” inside of YOU. The “you” who is screaming at you to “follow your heart and your purpose”.

The “you” who tells you “don’t be reasonable”… That “YOU” is “Who You Really Are!”

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