How to find your Soulmate in 1 simple step?

“Someday my prince will come”

Do you remember that lovely song Snow White sang in Disney’s version of Snow White and the Seven Drawfs? Have you ever dreamed of your Prince Charming; thinking one day he would come like in the story? Then time goes by…waiting, waiting,  waiting… and still no Prince Charming, his arrival time is past due. Days turn to months and months become years and the older you get, the more you disbelieve the fairy tale and eventually, the hope for a dream realized dies inside you.

In this post, I will share tips to help you to find your Soulmate and open your understanding about WHY THE HELL he’s taking so long to show up?

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How to change your life?

“For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to improve, you have to improve. When you grow, everything in your life grows with you.” Jim Rohn

My first step was in realizing that I needed to take responsibility for my life! A shocking truth, indeed!   Up to that point, it had been easier to blame others, the economy, the weather, the marketplace, the industry, the government, etc., for my misfortune.  

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How I start my journey of self discovery?

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Who you are, why you are really here and what is your purpose? Is life about settling; not rocking the boat; maintaining the status quo? How long have you been living this endless day, stuck in the routine of go to work; pay your bills; eat, sleep, wake, repeat?  Do you pause at times and find yourself thinking: “There must be more to this vast Universe.” And what about that nagging feeling that something is missing or not quite right? You want answers but just don’t know where they may be found…

Continue reading “How I start my journey of self discovery?”