How I start my journey of self discovery?

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Who you are, why you are really here and what is your purpose? Is life about settling; not rocking the boat; maintaining the status quo? How long have you been living this endless day, stuck in the routine of go to work; pay your bills; eat, sleep, wake, repeat?  Do you pause at times and find yourself thinking: “There must be more to this vast Universe.” And what about that nagging feeling that something is missing or not quite right? You want answers but just don’t know where they may be found…

Well, my friend, I know exactly what you are going through.  It was just a few years ago, that I found myself in the exact same spot.  Luckily, unfolding events so unsettled my comfort zone I was compelled to seek out the answers, and so started my amazing adventure.  I’m an eager student, keen on learning something new everyday. Along the way, I discovered that life is the most precious gift and a life well-lived is the rarest gift of all.  

Your being here is significant, it is not by chance that you stopped by and I am glad you came.  Stay a while, let me share with you my journey of self-discovery.

Food for the Soul


When I was young, I was the type of kid who always questioned everything.  Later, as a young adult, I started to investigate in more depth and discovered that the answers were not only available but mine for the taking. All I had to do was ask and remain open enough to receive them.  There was an inner guide compelling me to read;soon, I was in company with Paulo Coelho’s: The Alchemist; poring over Neal Donald Walsh’s: Conversations with God; discovering The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle; imbibing on The Power  and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne; and being schooled by Napoleon Hill, on how to Think and Grow Rich whilst Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success.              

I couldn’t get enough!!  Each book deconstructed and nourished my soul. The layers were finally peeling away and light shone through. I recognized these books were the very foundation stones necessary for teaching ones about life and NOBODY had ever told me about them?   Why was I only discovering these books in my 30’s? Wasn’t anybody awake?

Page by Page. Book by Book. Story by Story.  I was awakened to a better understanding of my life and why things happened in a certain way. The Universe sure had a funny way of teaching  Lessons of Life. Forcing you to see beyond the finite perceptions of reality to embrace the infinite possibilities of foresight and imagination.

The books that I mentioned are a few of my favorite, I love them. I do make a small commission if you click through and buy something, but the only reason I endorse those books is because I have purchased them, I read them over and over. They have changed my life for the better and I want the same for you. That’s how strongly I feel.

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