How to know what you want in a relationship ?

“Be careful for what you wish!”

Sometimes during  girl’s talk, I ask my friends: “What type of man do you want?” Many of them stammer, stutter and have no clear idea or deep thought about it. I usually get these kinds of responses: ”I just want a good man or a nice guy”. “I want a man who loves me”. “I want a man who has a lot of money”. “I want a man who is successful”. “I want to get married and have children”. “I want a man from my religion and/or from my ethnicity”...

Does it sound like you? The problem with those kinds of responses is that they are vague and unspecific. They do not truly convey what it is that you want. You’re obviously asking for “nothing and everything” at the same time, and who knows what will come with that. Have you ever heard “ Be careful for what you wish, for life is faithful to you and it will always give you what you ask for.”

A friend of mine wanted to be married and have children so bad. She found this man who seemed to be a nice guy, she got married and had children. After the honeymoon phase passed, he started to unveil his real personality. She found out that he wasn’t so nice after all.  Prince charming was, in reality, the Joker.  Unfortunately, that’s the end result of “poor asking”. If you don’t know what type of man you want and don’t have a clear vision of who you desire to spend your life with, who knows? How can God answer your prayers? Think about it for one second. So the idea is to know what you want first. It’s as simple as that.

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