How to visualize the soulmate you have not met?

Have you ever met him? Yes, you heard me. You are thinking, obviously NO, otherwise, I would be with him, duh! Well, let me tell you something. Things happen twice in this life! Once, in your mind, and twice, in your reality. In order to welcome Mr. Right in your arms, you have to meet him in your mind first. That is the only way he can show up in your life.

Tailor him

What I mean by that is, have you ever imagined him? Have you ever visualized how he looks? Is he is tall, short, muscular, skinny, bald, with black hair, blue eyes, etc.? What is his personality like? Is he funny, shy, intelligent, introverted, etc.? What are his values and morals? Does he want to be married? What type of husband would he be? Does he want to have children and raise a family? Does he believe in God?  What does he do for a living? Is he an entrepreneur, an influencer, etc? And the list goes on and on.

I’m asking again. Do you have a clear vision of who you desire to share your life with? If you have to describe your lover, who is he? Don’t be afraid to ask, it’s your life after all.  So I challenge you, take a journal and a pen, start listing the attributes of your perfect man. Don’t listen to any negative self-talk during the process, just write down every single detail about him.

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